Trains Across The Sea are a two piece folk band from Columbus, Ohio. They play shows all over and they're a blast to see. This is a live recording from Monster House, a punk house in Columbus. They have everything they released free on their website, including a Woody Guthrie cover album, and you should check them all out. My favorite song on this recording is "I Just Want To Get Paid".
You can even choose the format you want to download their music in! The only thing better than free music is free music in a FLAC format! Check it out!

Holy cow thank you guys - I had no idea anybody outside of my social circle at all approved of the sounds. Thanks a ton and you guys have (save for them Trains Across the Sea fools) otherwise fantastic taste.
Haha Thanks!
About a month ago I started posting music here once week or so. I saw you guys play at the TOMS benefit show and figured everyone else would dig it too!
I actually couldn't make it to the monster house show to catch you guys and ryan play, but I've always liked live recordings more anyway.
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