Tuesday 20 January 2009

Tally Hall - Pingry EP

This is a very rare album from one of my favorites that was specially recorded for a show that the band played at The Pingry School in Martinsville, New Jersey on May 13, 2005. The band made the long trip from Michigan to New Jersey because member Andrew Horowitz is a Pingry alumnus.

I ran Cross Country against Pingry for 2 years before they were "Too good" for our conference. I have a grudge against the school, but Tally Hall is one of my favorites and they do an excellent cover of "Just a Friend" which to be honest is not as well recorded as some live videos I saw, but nonetheless makes a great mostly live album.

If you like this, listen to Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum. Search it on the blog search mechanism thingy. It's somewhere.



1 comment:

vaginas said...

Thanks so much for your post, pretty useful information.