Sunday 21 June 2009

Album Review: Mesita - Cherry Blossoms

From the depths of Littleton, Colorado comes this one man band known as Mesita. Here at I found this song in the road, we have started to get artists requesting reviews and promotion, which is quite an honor is most cases. Mesita was put on the back burner for some time, and just recently was I assigned his album. My only regret about this album is that I didn't find it sooner. Every aspect of his music has its strong point which will cater to our blogs audience. The blend of guitars, harmonicas, accordions, mandolins, horns, and percussion is awaiting, and I am pleased to be serving it to you today.



laura said...

God, I'm seriously loving this album

Jesse said...

I love it too.

Mike V said...

i don't know why it took me this long to get into this album, but it's so damn good.