Saturday 26 April 2008

Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain

Lightning Bolt is a noise rock duo consisting of Brian Chippendale on drums and Brian Gibson on bass. Lightning Bolt is well known for their guerrilla gigs in which they play on the floor often starting and startling the audience which gathers around a masked drummer and bassist in battered awe. Vocals by Brian Chippendale are screamed through a distorted modified phone microphone and are barely audible. Brian Gibson uses complex noise techniques into an awesome overlapping riff that will leave you amazed. Immensely fast speed and rhythm drumming and a noisy bass guitar makes it hard to realize that there is only two people playing. Hypermagic Mountain is Lightning Bolt's latest album from 2005. It is their fourth studio album and they also have a DVD of their touring in which they show how they have played on sidewalks, shacks, and other makeshift shows for as little as 14 people.

The DVD is available on youtube here.


Obscurity said...

Cool stuff, thanks brah.

Father Murphy said...

I like it, its real interesting