In terms of solo acoustic artists, Crywank is something that should not be missed. From the United Kingdom, James Clayton takes his name from his over-sad songs full of vocalized raw emotion.
Lancaster, screamo/punk outfit We Were Skeletons will be hitting the road to support of their Topshelf Records debut LP We Were Skeletons. The record hit stores yesterday (June 29th), this is the bands most anticipated release to date. Dates are below:
June 30 The Brothel Philadelphia, PA July 2 Cool Cut Offs, Bro Fest w/ Merchant Ships, Prawn, and more Plymouth, MA July 3 The Thunderdome Manchester, CT July 4 House Show Rochester, NY July 5 The Meatlocker w/ By Surprise Montclair, NJ July 7 Charm City Art Space Baltimore, MD July 8 Carnegie Community Arts Center w/ Mountain Asleep Somerset, KY July 9 The Crow's Nest Bowling Green, KY July 10 Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center St. Louis. MO July 11 Scatacombs Tulsa, OK July 12 1919 Hemphill w/ Pianos Become The Teeth Fort Worth, TX July 13 The Pine Box Midland, TX July 14 Halp anywhere, NM July 15 Hangin out at the Grand Canyon July 16 Yayo Taco w/ Calculator Las Vegas, NV July 17 Fort Rodolfo w/ Towers, Dogs of Ire Laguna Hills, CA July 18 The Hive Oakland, CA July 19 HELP Northern CA July 20 Mt. Brolympus Portland, OR July 21 Mango House Olympia, WA (also doing a radio show this day) July 22 Black Lodge Seattle, WA July 23 Sunset Junction Spokane, WA July 24 TBA/Halp Idaho Falls/Boise, ID July 25 HELP western CO July 26 HELP Boulder/Denver CO July 27 HELP Lincoln/Omaha NE (or west kansas) July 28 HELP Des Moines/Iowa City IA (or KS) July 29 Treasure Town w/ Big Kids, 1994! Chicago IL July 30 1624 N. Harrison St. w/ 1994! Ft. Wayne IN July 31 DAAC w/ 1994!, Victor! Fix The Sun Grand Rapids, MI August 1 Carabar w/ 1994! Columbus, OH August 2nd HELP Pittsburgh, PA August 3rd HOMECOMING SHOW Dead Set Gallery w/ Des Ark, Gods & Queens Lancaster, PA
We Were Skeletons was recently signed to Topshelf Records through which they released their self-titled album. Come out and support them on their tour. Also, check out our review and grab some promo tracks off their new album here.
After years of trying and failing to find the right combination of people to play with, multi-instrumentalist Seth Engel decided to try his luck at doing it all himself. The result is Options.
Marina V isn't my normal genre of music, which gave me a challenge when I started the first track. The album reminds me very much of the work of Tori Amos and Delta with her piano ballads and vibrant vibrato. I thought that 90's adult alternative was dead long ago, but it certainly still has a following and still a field to flourish in for upcoming artists. As is the case for Marina V. What stands out the most to me is her powerful voice and her ability to carry the spirit of the song completely on her vocals.
This 1998 Sonic Youth release sees the band indulge themselves in some lovely feedback nonsense; 8 'tracks' of it, in fact. Dedicated to a SY fan who commited suicide, this record comes the band leaving their instruments leant against amps, later adding a shitty drum machine and twiddling a few nobs. The result is nothing short of brilliant, and a very fitting tribute.
The Please & Thank Yous are a punk band from Chicago with indie and emo influences for fans of The Measure[SA], The Promise Ring, and Tin Armor. Their album was released for free from Death To False Hope Records.
Beard Party is a Pennsylvania based DIY music family. We promote a positive independent and DIY/DIT music community by assisting our friends, and musicians we like to put out records, help design artwork, promote shows, record songs, print shirts, press various other types of merchandise, and promote a positive scene and network of avid musicians and fans.
Beard Party has released it's first compilation entitled Beard Party Summer Sampler 2010 which features genres ranging across folk, punk, and hardcore. Trunks & Tales which runs Beard Party is featured along with a 18 more including wonderful bands such as Paul Blest, Anniversary Club, Pedals On Our Pirate Ships, Ship Wrecks, Old Times Burials, Young Mountain, and Timeshares(ex The Knockdown).
It's 20 tracks, all of them for free off bandcamp. If you want, you can donate 2 dollars, buy it at a Trunks & Tales show, or get it from most of the bands on the compilation. Aside from having the best name in the world, Beard Party is truly punk and not profit. Stream and download The Family
We Were Skeletons after being signed to Topshelf Records is set to drop another album June 29th which will be self-titled. Yet again, it took me forever to get through the first track and just ended up listening to that for a couple hours and then getting distracted. I’m sorry for being blown away and taking so long to listen to the rest of it.
Anyways, the opener “Drawn from the Houses I've Burnt” blew me away at the progression of them as a band since their album Summers. First of all, quality-wise the recording is much better. Material-wise they maintain their yelpy screamo pogoing in a chaotic mesh of vocals. I did notice that they re-recorded “Well, I did Spend a Year in College” off the 75:24 compilation which is kinda cool because it’s one of the best songs on that compilation.
It’s amazing how much this band has developed in such a short period of time of being signed. I saw them live at AlbrightCollege in which they were great but almost nobody showed up to that show despite so many great bands. Still, I bought Summers which although getting stuck in the CD player of my car and having to fish out, I was blown away by. Oh by the way, Summer is available for free so look for the link on the bottom.
I was really excited for the record release show until I realized that I was working on that day. I highly recommend going not only because it’s at Seniorita Burrita, but because they are all great people and it’s guaranteed that you’ll have a blast at their show. It also helps that Snowing, Merchant Ships, Boys & Sex, мища and Our Parents Forgot Us are playing. Just saying, Merchant Ships doesn’t tour the east coast often. Go see them.