Rumors have been going around for months about a possible reunion of the now Snowing band Street Smart Cyclist. It all started when the facebook fan page posted about a possible Boston reunion. It has finally been confirmed to be at St. Burners in Bethlehem, PA complete with a facebook event by John Galm himself. It seems to be the day after Christmas(December 26th) which is a great present to the Lehigh Valley music scene.
Here is the official and complete lineup:
...SSC was asked to play a reunion show, and we all agreed to do it. Why? I think because we're friends and it's been awhile since the five of us have gotten to see each other, bro down, hang out, drink some beers (side note: when this show happens, Nate will be 21. when he joined cyclist, he was 16!), and just generally enjoy each others company. there is nothing more beautiful and important and wonderful about life than friendship. don't you agree? anyway, that show we were supposed to play fizzled out, I guess, so we decided to play a show in bethlehem, where we all more or less grew up, where the band formed, and where our friendships blossomed. this is a ONCE AND DONE DEAL. it's our chance to disappoint everyone when they realize we really did only have seven (or eight?) songs.
cyclist played so often with slingshot dakota that it would be a crime to not have them on this show. they are two extraordinary people and we all love the love they create. tom p. broke my heart at our last show, and if he attempts to do that again, he'll leave without thumbs.
the first show that cyclist played with algernon, they played first to a half empty room, I had an asthma attack, and peter got scolded for using all of the houses toilet paper to make a mummy costume. pretty good night, overall.
nick lives in boston now. he used to live in philadelphia. he used to play drums in algernon. that's where we met nick. we love nick. he's a great person. I'm pretty sure he helped peter make that mummy costume. he asked cyclist to play in boston and told me that if we played a show in bethlehem to let ape up play. well, there you have it.
this band is incredible. the "formlessness" ep may be my favorite release this year. it's too gorgeous to describe. my good friend greg horbal is now in this band. I love him. I hope everyone is as excited as I am to see this band.
Personally, I am most excited about The World IS A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die. If you haven't heard them yet, I'm making a post about them soon because it's fantastic. I believe this is their first show. If not, it's their first Bethlehem show.
Here are all 8 of their songs, the link on their site doesn't seem to be working.