The Jonas Brothers is kind of a local band dear to my heart that I've been meaning to share with the music community. Seeing that they are from NJ, I felt they were necessary to post. These teenagers easily posses the talent and charisma that we've seen in such legends as Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, and even as far as Elvis. Don't let the fact that they are on the Disney Channel ward you away, they are straight up Indie at heart. Think Connor Oberst and imagine the Jonas Brothers as the prequel to the next Bright Eyes! They are only 15, 18, and 20, so I hope to expect great things out of them in the future.
For future reference, this is a joke post. Continue to make ridiculous comments, though.
this is the most ridiculous post i've ever seen. jonas brothers are a machine created by disney to make money.
they are not bright eyes, and are not even close. they will never be. they posess no talent.
theyre coming out with a 3d movie for chrissake.
What the above guy said. The pop music industry is the single most exploitive industry in the world. It makes talentless and arrogant teenagers believe they have talent when they don't.
Some people can't take a joke.
Hey guys, sorry that I edited the part out about how this was a joke post.
I never knew so many people cared about our blog, thanks for the rampant posts, I agree with all of them.
<3, now let's get back to the real music, eh?
jonas bros is da shizznitzzle, OUTTIE
i downloaded and listened to the album and i really enjoyed it......
it was a joke? :-|
The Jonas Brothers are just hideous manufactured pop. I'm so glad that this post was a joke, I was a little worried. The "JoBros" could never even compare to Bright Eyes and Conor Oberst.
I swear to God, I even like Taylor Swift better than them. At least she has a decent voice. They sound like a dying cat shrieking into a tin can.
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